16 Jan 2011
Summary of sermon by FH Stegen
1Cor 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Do we believe what God says here? When God comes into your life is all made new, and has the old passed away?
At the beginning of the revival they realised they would be doomed and damned if they did not allow God to come in and make all new, to seek holiness. They saw their lives and the condition of their hearts. They were unhappy; they got irritated and angry and had lustful thoughts still. There was no peace in their lives. They saw what they were really like in God’s eyes. Often they had turned a blind eye to such things. They hadn’t heard and believed this word that the Lord comes in and makes all new and the old totally passes away. People often can’t believe this. They can’t believe John 1v9.
The day comes when you see this. You open your heart to let the Lord in to do His work. We always want to help, we want to do something - as if Calvary did not do it all for us. HE is the one who changes things, not us.
The co-workers prayed saying they wanted to believe every word of the bible.
Rev 3v20 “I stand at the door and knock...” If you open your heart to Christ He will come in and do His work. Without holiness you won’t see God. The Holy Spirit points out all the filth and dirt that’s still in your heart – all the things displeasing to a holy God. Then you have to make right and make peace with God and with your fellow man. The angels who came to the shepherds at the time of Jesus’ birth brought the message of peace. Have you got peace? Or do you live satisfied without it? You go to services and go about your business but have no peace in your heart. Jesus points out these things when you ask Him into your heart. Old things have to be parted from. All becomes new. Do you realise this is what you need? Do you see the many things that stand between you and God?
When you seek reconciliation you need to go to that person. We so often hurt and grieve God and make Him unhappy. Sin separates us from God e.g. Adam and Eve and their disobedience which caused them to try and hide from God. Be honest with yourself. Don’t excuse yourself. You can’t hear God speaking. Your Bible reading seems pointless; it is not life-giving to you anymore. It does not shake you. You are not burning for the Lord. You realise you are not living what you read anymore. Christian, how can you be so lazy and fast asleep? If Christ is in you the old has passed away...or is there something left of the old? Why are you so complacent? Is there some old grudge and unforgiveness? Isn’t there a desire to know this peace which Christ alone brings?
Remember Calvary and all Christ did for you there. Do you believe that? He did it to reconcile you to God - to give you peace. Is it evident to all that God has been able to do this for you? Have you received this grace which makes all things new?
Jesus says peace be with you – no matter what happens. He knows this is what Christians and indeed the whole world need. Take this to heart. It will change your lives. You say you are surrendered to God but others see no peace in you. In your marriages, in your families do others see this peace?
To get this peace you need to be in Christ. You will strive to be in Him at all times. He gives to you then the ministry of reconciliation to lead others to this peace. God has commissioned us like ambassadors for His ministry. If you work as the Agricultural Minister, you do all you can to help others manage the land correctly and to farm properly. You have to tell them how to do it, it’s expected of you. All must go according to plan and purpose. You’ll have authority to say things too.
If Jesus has reconciled you with God has He attained His purpose through your life yet? Have you given Christ that opportunity? Have you let Him take total control – His will not yours? Do you know who you belong to? There’s nothing between you and Him?
Don’t leave the job of reconciliation between God and man to the preacher - it’s your responsibility too. It’s you calling to lead others to Christ. How many have you led to Him? How can you sit in your armchair at ease when millions go lost? We need to burn for Christ. God pleads with us.
May everyone who reads us see sinners reconciled with Christ; that our lives would speak louder than our words.
Matt 5v26 ”Leave your gift at the altar and be reconciled with your brother”. Since 1994 so much has been (and still will be) said about reconciliation but it’s only words not deeds. We need to get down to business and be reconciled one to another and live it. Can God convict you? Have you made peace with God and man?
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