10 Oct 2010
Summary of sermon by Rev FH Stegen
Text: Matthew 4:1-9
We so easily think that when we're filled with the Holy Spirit then we will only go from victory to victory, and there will be no more temptation anymore.
However we find that when the Holy Spirit came upon our Lord that the Spirit then led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Our Lord overcame the devil, and went through the temptations victoriously.
So too if we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will overcome even if tempted and we'll go from victory to victory in the face of difficulties, temptations and whatever opposition we receive - because of His Spirit. That is the wonder of being filled with the Holy Spirit; and the bigger the attack the bigger the victory will be.
As the devil tempted the Lord to turn the stones into bread so we are tempted too, many a time, to experience miracles in stead of getting to know our Lord and live in close communion with Him daily.
That is the danger also with us when we look for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, that we want to experience miracles and want what the next received, but we're not interested in our spiritual state.
However we read how the Lord overcame and answered the devil, "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
The Lord's food was to do the will of His Father. He only did the will of His Heavenly Father. He also said that those were His brothers and sisters who did the will of the Father.
Let that be our concern therefore - not to see or even do great wonders, but to have an ear to hear and do the will of our Father in Heaven. No longer my will but His be done; that we only do and live by that what our Heavenly Father wants.
The devil also tempted Him to jump from the pinnacle of the temple. But He answered, "it is written that we should not tempt the Lord our God".
So the devil tempts us to tempt God. Another person drank poison and died. He claimed that he trusted in the promise that we shall "drink poison and suffer no harm" - but He tempted God. If it comes from God then we shall be kept according to the promise, otherwise we are tempting God.
We can read dozens of promises in the Bible but if God hasn't spoken it to us then we are tempting Him.
Do His will. Be totally dependant upon Him. That is true humility.
We also interpret the Bible as we see fit in stead of praying that God would enlighten our hearts when we read His Word and see what He wants to say to us.
Let us not be miracle addicts, but see that our relationship with Him is right. If He wants to do a miracle let Him do it as He sees fit. May we always be open to His speaking, leading and guiding.
Lastly the devil tempted Him with all the kingdoms and riches of the world if only He would worship the devil. What a cheek!
Be careful young people, for the devil tempts you in a similar way. He also takes you to a high mountain in your thoughts and imaginations and shows you all the riches and glamour of this world and promises it to you with honour and prestige and respect, if only you would worship him.
He promises you full freedom to do whatever your heart desires.
The question now is, whom are you worshipping? What do you serve? If one looks around there are very few that hasn't worshipped the devil. When the lusts of the flesh call, we bow to it, we bow to the devil. When jealousy comes we worship the devil.
We Christians might pride ourselves that we're not like the Hindus worshipping many idols. But we're worse if we worship sex, anger, jealousy, fashion, lust, bitterness, hatred etc.
May we rather have the Spirit of our Lord Jesus, where we can distinguish between good and evil; where we can overcome sin. May we be like Him. May we desire what He desires. May we do His will.
Look at your life today. Whom are you worshipping? What is your life like? Has the devil given you the freedom he promised where you rule your own life and you can do what you like? It feels so nice when you can do what you like, anything. He promises you complete freedom, but in the end you're bound by sin.
In stead you should bridle your life, your body, like you bridle a horse, that you cannot do what you like but only what God wants. (1Cor 9:27, "But [like a boxer] I buffet my body [handle it roughly, discipline it by hardships] and subdue it, for fear that after proclaiming to others the Gospel and things pertaining to it, I myself should become unfit [not stand the test, be unapproved and rejected as a counterfeit]." - Amplified)
May it be today "to hell with your will". Kill it, that you belong and live only for what the Lord wants.
So the Lord Jesus answered satan, "you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve".
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