Contest between God and evil and the men of Jericho partaking in it

Jos 6:1 - 27

Did you ever notice how the devil and his friends tries to keep the truth from human beings. (Maybe it's because he knows the truth sets people free and he likes them to be in bondage.) The devil is building his high walls with bricks and mortar (things worth nothing). The biggest news of all the ages he also tried to cover up, and ever since it happened (Mat 27:63-66)

No matter how brave we seem to stand against the calling of God, we will have to face Him some time. And we will melt away with fear when that time comes. (Mat 28:4) 
How many Joshua’s must still speak to us, how many years are we as Christians confessing Christianity and where do we stand. Are we willing to follow them that was ordained by God or are we just happy to live this Christian life and although we don’t agree with everything we hear, its ok because it’s the right place to be and it feels right where we are, are we not then also staying in the wall of Jericho ourselves.
God gives specific commandments, how He wants things to be done, may I pose a question at this moment “do we give heed to every instruction that we receive from God in our life’s?”, do we know that by not doing it we are working our own downfall or (destruction)? 

There are two sides:
The people from Jericho.
See the people of Jericho; here they’re standing on their high wall looking down on everyone that is out side the wall. The high wall symbolises your personal achievements in life. How far you have come (the men of valour). You’re tightly closed to any influence from the outside (even sometimes from our own brethren). You're own experiences regarding the power of God because you saw some of the power of God in someone’s lives (the Israelites coming through the red sea) or at some stage in your own life. But you are deliberately willfully/intentionally encircle/surrounding yourself with this high wall, usually sin is used to build this high wall to encircle/surround us, but it may not always be sin sometimes it can even be our finicky ways we have regarding the way we see things and how we think other are suppose to do or see it. Number 21:1 

Then the Israelites:
And all that these Christians do is walk in circles and go home and eat and go to sleep. Tomorrow they do precisely the same what a bore.
(I have seen more people leaving Christianity from giving up their daily task, than people persevering in there daily task.) Do you know that the people going on with there “boring” daily routine is the priest with there rams horns blowing there boring tune day in and day out? Meanwhile they are hailing the coming destruction! Where instead these boring Christians should be an inspiration to us as to sacrifice all towards the work of the Lord. And if we do not know God at this moment it must hasten us to make right with God because our destruction can come at any time. As we can see in the rest of the chapter.
Just remember that what the people of Jericho bargained on the most was the thing that killed the most of them, some stayed inside the walls some inside the city but they were all surrounded by these walls. This was there home, the thing that was suppose to keep them comfortable. Do we think it weakness and softness on Gods part if He tarries with the judgment or outcome of what is said by Him in his word?
On what are we trusting, maybe the fact that God has shown so much mercy in the past towards us, and that is the thing that's giving me a false security.
For many years Jericho was excused, but one day when they thought they are safe and sound. Everything they relied on suddenly fell apart.

As Dr. Miller says, "The altar stands in the foreground of every life, and can be passed by only at the cost of all that is noblest and best. There is more grandeur in five minutes of self-renunciation than in a whole lifetime of self-interest and self-seeking."
May I pose this question? Why are we on this pathway of religion or even more direct what is our motivation to follow God? Is it because you’re feeling comfortable or you like the company or most of your friends are doing it or even worse,  you never thought about it why you’re really serving God. I hope the reason is the same as the woman’s in Mat 28:5

It is here asked of us to offer all the accursed things to God in our life’s (things not needed, or things we're not willing to give up, or we’re not able to justify), in the serving of the Lord. That all the talents (spiritual talents) the things God could use (things that can be purified by fire) that we have, must be brought to His treasury so to be used unto the honour of His Name.
If we fail to devote that which belongs to God unto Him and would like to keep it for ourselves it can  become a obstacle in our lives and in the end be our destruction and that of our work.
We have the opportunity now to do this, to cleanse ourselves of these things of destruction and throwing of everything that keeps us back from running the race to the end. As also explained in (Num. 19:18) 
God never goes back, and if we walk with Him, we never shall… NEW TESTAMENT
And if we treasure this message and faithfully follow it. It has within it another promise, and that is that we may get the opportunity to personally help friends, family and other people we meet to get to know Jesus Christ as crucified and risen as their personal saviour in their own lives. Mat 28:7 - 8
Let us then give our bodies now to God as the living sacrifices it needs to be. That He who is able and is willing to work it in us can also finish that what He started.

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