30 May 2010 - "Bearing good fruit all the time"

Sermon by Rev Erlo Stegen

(Before the service uncle Friedel and the team that went to Europe reported back. God worked mightily. People were hungry for the Gospel. They cried to be filled with the Holy Spirit. People virtually came whole day long with their needs, but God gave us strength that we did not grow tired. We also had one desire to be consumed by God, make the most of each opportunity.)
After Pentecost when the disciples were filled with God's Spirit they changed the world. Don't you have the same desire to have what they had? This is my cry for each one present here, to be filled with with God's Spirit and change the world once more.)John 7:37, 38
On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

Jesus stood up and cried out on the last day, the great day of the feast. He wanted all from the greatest to the smallest to hear what He wanted to say. The Greek word used here for cry is "krasto"; the same word is used for the way Jesus cried out on the cross just before He died.
So it is important that we believe as the scripture says. Some distort and even misuse the scriptures, like the devil did when he tempted Jesus. But Jesus replied with the scriptures and conquered.
A Christian must have rivers- (not just one little river) flowing from his innermost being, otherwise he is not a Christian but a hypocrite. After the Lord had ascended some women and the disciples persevered in prayer - they were one, because of the cross. If you are not one with others in the Lord it shows that you have not experienced the cross in your life.
They were of one heart and one soul. Skin colour did not play a role. It was hard for me to believe that so many people could be so united. They felt the same thing. They felt about things in the same way. It is so typical of Christians to disagree.
Ezekiel spoke about the river that came from the East. He saw this river flowing from the temple. The river got deeper and deeper, and eventually was such a mighty stream that one could not pass through it.
When we got converted it was a shallow stream, but it must get stronger and deeper as we grow as Christians till we are totally immersed in it. God says as our days so our strength will be. Some Christians' streams stay ankle deep, and some just fizzle out. Ezekiel saw the water flowing into the Dead Sea and it transformed the Dead Sea into something alive and fresh.
There where you are, do you transform those around you? Do you bring life to those around you, or do you lose the life you had and change into something bad, affected by the lusts of the flesh etc., and affected by those around you and the things around you?
For some Christians the sun is always in the west. As Christians it should always be the beginning. From our innermost being - deep down - this river should flow forth; there should be no evil thoughts, etc.
Ezekiel saw that where that river flowed it brought life - the trees never lost their leaves, and bore fruit each and every month. If you believe like the scripture says you will bear fruit during all seasons. Jesus cursed the fig tree when He came to it looking for fruit and found none. It was out of season. Jesus wants fruit from us in and out of season. Whether you are tired or not, if its hot or cold, when people speak good of you or persecute you, in good weather or bad weather Jesus wants you to bear good fruit. Do not have excuses, but remain in Him and bear good fruit.

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